Tom Lane wrote:
I assume you mean static as in not-auto, rather than static as in
not-global.  Otherwise we have a problem here.
Surely the addresses can be assumed constant within a thread.  Otherwise
we have a problem here too.
Taking addresses of TLS variables should be considered illegal,
Sorry, no can accept that restriction.

I think you are okay on all 3 fronts, from :

"The __thread specifier may be used alone, with the extern or static specifiers, but with no other storage class specifier. When used with extern or static, __thread must appear immediately after the other storage class specifier."


"When the address-of operator is applied to a thread-local variable, it is evaluated at run-time and returns the address of the current thread's instance of that variable. An address so obtained may be used by any thread. When a thread terminates, any pointers to thread-local variables in that thread become invalid."

Also see "ISO/IEC 9899:1999 Edits for Thread-Local Storage" :

and ELF Handling For Thread-Local Storage, may be of interest.


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