Jan Wieck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> What happens instead is that vacuum not only evicts the whole buffer 
> cache by forcing all blocks of said table and its indexes in, it also 
> dirties a substantial amount of that and leaves the dirt to be cleaned 
> up by all the other backends.

[ thinks about that... ]  Yeah, I believe you're right, because (plain)
vacuum just does WriteBuffer() for any page that it modifies, which only
marks the page dirty in buffer cache.  It never does anything to force
those pages to be written out to the kernel.  So, if you have a large
buffer cache, a lot of write work will be left over to be picked up by
other backends.

I think that pre-WAL the system used to handle this stuff differently,
in a way that made it more likely that VACUUM would issue its own
writes.  But optimizations intended to improve the behavior for
non-VACUUM cases have made this not so good for VACUUM.

I like your idea of penalizing VACUUM-read blocks when they go back into
the freelist.  This seems only a partial solution though, since it
doesn't directly ensure that VACUUM rather than some other process will
issue the write kernel call for the dirtied page.  Maybe we should
resurrect a version of WriteBuffer() that forces an immediate kernel
write, and use that in VACUUM.

Also, we probably need something similar for seqscan-read blocks, but
with an intermediate priority (can we insert them to the middle of the

                        regards, tom lane

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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