Only regproc adds the unnecessary pg_catalog. qualification, why is that?

Er, I couldn't see the part of your example where that happened?

Basically, my question is why ::regproc alone always addes the catalogue qualification in this case?

Rows below correspond to:


-[ RECORD 1 ]----------------------------------------
castsource | "char"
casttarget | text
castfunc   | text("char")
castfunc2  | pg_catalog.text

eg. Why is it not:

-[ RECORD 1 ]----------------------------------------
castsource | "char"
casttarget | text
castfunc   | text("char")
castfunc2  | text

Or even:

-[ RECORD 1 ]----------------------------------------
castsource | pg_catalog."char"
casttarget | pg_catalog.text
castfunc   | pg_catalog.text("char")
castfunc2  | pg_catalog.text


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