On Monday 10 November 2003 20:47, Ed Baer wrote:
> To whom it may concern,
> Please accept my apology if this is not the correct forum, I am new and was
> unable to find the correct location to send this question.
> If you don't wish to answer, could you please direct me to the correct
> place to ask the question.

Try the OpenFTS-General list:

The tsearch2 homepage is here:


> The question is:
> Is the problem with backing up and restoring a database which has tsearch2
> installed and enabled delt with in Version 7.4 of PostgreSQL?

If it's the problem with restoring the tsearch2-related functions, then no,
and I'm not sure whether it's "fixable" (in the sense that a tsearch2 enabled
database will do a painless dump/restore).

I've had some success by making sure all tsearch2-related functions
are in their own schema, which I don't dump or use for restoring; 
before restoring I recreate the schema from a script, then reload
the other schemas. There's a slight gotcha though which I can't recall
offhand. I'll try and write it up next time I got through the process.

Ian Barwick

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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