On Fri, 14 Nov 2003 11:07:43, Josh Berkus wrote:

> One thing I've not seen an answer to:  does Postgres run acceptably on 
> other people's Solaris boxes?   If this bug is preventing running on 
> Solaris at all, I'd say fix it ... Solaris is a major platform.   If it 
> only affects users of one particular Solaris patch version, then we do a 
> big warning and save it for 7.4.1.

I've confirmed this bug on Solaris 2.8 on a V880 and Solaris 2.9 on an e4500,
here at PSU. Neither machine has IPv6 addresses, and neither machine loads the
stats collector.

Derek Morr
GPG public key: http://marion02.marion.psu.edu/~derek/public.key

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