Zeugswetter Andreas SB SD wrote:
1. Open WAL files with O_SYNC|O_DIRECT or O_SYNC(Not sure if
Without grouping WAL writes that does not fly. Iff however such grouping
is implemented that should deliver optimal performance. I don't think flushing WAL to the OS early (before a tx commits) is necessary, since writing 8k or 256k to disk with one call takes nearly the same time. The WAL write would need to be done as soon as eighter 256k fill or a txn commits.

That means no special treatment to WAL files? If it works, great. There would be single class of files to take care w.r.t sync. issue. Even more simpler.


---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not match

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