Testing postgis support in PG7.4 (2003-11-11)
I've encountered to this problem:

        ERROR:  could not identify an ordering operator for type geometry
        HINT:  Use an explicit ordering operator or modify the query.

Whenever I issue one of these commands:

        gis=# select the_geom from table1 UNION select the_geom from table2;
        gis=# select DISTINCT the_geom from table1;
        gis=# select the_geom from table1 ORDER BY the_geom;

Operators '<', '>', '=' are available:

         oprname | leftoperand | rightoperand
         <<      | geometry    | geometry
         &<      | geometry    | geometry
         &&      | geometry    | geometry
         &>      | geometry    | geometry
         >>      | geometry    | geometry
         ~=      | geometry    | geometry
         @       | geometry    | geometry
         ~       | geometry    | geometry
         =       | geometry    | geometry
         <       | geometry    | geometry
         >       | geometry    | geometry
        (11 rows)

Previous PG versions does not show this problem.
Any hint on what might be missing ?


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

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