
Tell me if I am significantly wrong but Command Prompt PostgreSQL is nothing more than "Open Source PostgreSQL" including some application server stuff, some propriertary PL/Perl || PL/PHP and not much more.

Ahh no.

First our PL/Perl and PL/PHP is not propiertary in any way. It is open source, you are free to download it and use it at your leisure.
Second we have better SSL support (although this is fixed in the current cvs for 7.3 series)
Third we have compression over the connection stream for more efficient connectivity over congested networks.


 Included graphical management tools (also now open source, pgManage)
 Modified shared memory management for better performance
 A policy of a minimum of 2005 before we won't support PostgreSQL.
 24 hour / 7 day support with a history of performance for the customer.

Oh... and:

Native, built in as part of the database replication.

Can you tell me a reason why somebody should use a closed source version of an Open Source product unless it contains some really significant improvement (say native Win32 or something like that)?

See above.

Can you tell me ONE reason why this does not work for other PostgreSQL companies such as `eval LONG LIST`?
Personally I think everybody can have its business strategy but what REALLY sets me up is that this mail seems to mean that Command Prompt is the only support company around which is actually WRONG!

No... not at all, nor was that my intent. There are many good PostgreSQL support companies. PgSQL, Inc. and Aglios come to mind. I was
just trying to provide an example of what that particular company might be looking for. I wasn't even saying that we were the right company
for them. I was just saying what I thought they were looking for.

In my opinion everybody who has enough skills can do this kind of job. Being a support company has nothing to do with making a good Open Source product a closed source product.
In my opinion giving something a new name and hiding away some code does not mean commercial backing and it does not mean being the god of all support companies.

What in the world brought this on? I wasn't suggesting any of this. I was just trying to help clarify the guys statement. He couldn't have
been talking about Red Hat for all I care.


Joshua D. Drake



-- Command Prompt, Inc., home of Mammoth PostgreSQL - S/ODBC and S/JDBC Postgresql support, programming shared hosting and dedicated hosting. +1-503-222-2783 - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.commandprompt.com Editor-N-Chief - PostgreSQl.Org - http://www.postgresql.org

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