"Yurgis Baykshtis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> However, we still experience random PG failures on a weekly basis.

> PANIC:  rename from /data/pg_xlog/0000002200000009 to
> /data/pg_xlog/0000002200000012 (initialization of log file 34, segment 18)
> failed: No such file or directory

That's curious.  Is the kernel portion of the error always "No such file
or directory", or does it vary?  What files do you actually see in
/data/pg_xlog/ after such a failure?  What filesystem are you using,
and what is the platform exactly?

> IpcMemoryCreate: shmget(key=5432001, size=203415552, 03600) failed: Not
> enough core

This means that you've exceeded the kernel SHMMAX setting.  We recently
realized that a restart under 7.3 will require SHMMAX to be at least
twice the requested shared memory size (203415552 bytes here), because
the stats processes remain connected to the old shared memory segment.
This is fixed in 7.4 and will be fixed in 7.3.5 whenever it comes out,
but in the meantime your best bet is to increase SHMMAX.

                        regards, tom lane

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TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

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