On Thu, 2003-11-20 at 08:34, Rod Taylor wrote:
> > I think maybe the simplest thing is for me to prepare a patch that rips 
> > that code out and replaces it with a (slightly simpler - less umask 
> > hacking required, I think) piece of code that I will write.
> The FreeBSD folks sorted it out for us.
> Everyones names should be in the copyright for the file. The licence
> portion should be the 3 clause version -- no advertising clause.
> I think borrowing should be encouraged, and now that we know what
> license / copyright we need to carry over, this can be done without
> worry.

Ignore that.. I hadn't read Terry's statement yet -- it got snagged by
the spam filter for some reason.

Since we have other code which has the same issue, I think this needs to
be solved. Can anyone show what Apple did?

Rod Taylor <rbt [at] rbt [dot] ca>

Build A Brighter Lamp :: Linux Apache {middleware} PostgreSQL
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