On Wed, 2003-11-26 at 23:32, Marc G. Fournier wrote:
> On Wed, 26 Nov 2003, Rod Taylor wrote:
> > > So, what does changing it to $PostgreSQL$ do?  Or am I reading the wrong
> > > part of the manual?
> >
> > After applying the patch in -patches to CVSROOT and running the update
> > script...
> >
> > It will allow Chris and other to import the PostgreSQL source into their
> > own CVS tree without having do to a ton of diff editing to reimport /
> > export changes between the primary tree and their development tree.
> 'k, but why can't that be accomplished with $Id$?

When you import the files into the other CVS system the version and file
information $Id$ represents will be replaced by the other system. So,
when you diff the original (primary repository) EVERY file will show
$Id$ has changed.

> Are there any caveats to the change?  Ie. if Tom has a checkout and this
> change is made, will he have problems committing?

$VARIABLE$ is used for informational purposes only AFAIK. There would be
no change that I know of.

At work I use $InQuent$, FreeBSD of course uses $FreeBSD$ of which other
BSDs follow suite $NetBSD$ and $OpenBSD$. I've not heard of any issues
with 3rd party CVS clients and any of those repositories in this regard.

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
      joining column's datatypes do not match

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