
I know that the backend does - it is an essential feature.
Clustered JDBC parses the statement sent to it in order to find out what to do with it. I have played around a little (mostly interactive shell). You will find out that Clustered JDBC will complain in this case because it doesn't know what to do with it. If you are a tool support load balancing and this kind of stuff DECLARE CURSOR can be painful to implement - especially across multiple transactions.
Is is a very weak point of the current beta version.



Dave Cramer wrote:

I don't understand the statement about missing "DECLARE CURSOR" ? The
backend supports it?

On Sun, 2003-11-23 at 12:12, Hans-Jürgen Schönig wrote:

Peter Eisentraut wrote:

I was at the ObjectWeb Conference today; ObjectWeb
(http://www.objectweb.org) being a consortium that has amassed quite an
impressive array of open-source, Java-based middleware under their
umbrella, including for instance our old friend Enhydra.  And they
regularly kept mentioning PostgreSQL in their presentations.

To those that are interested in distributed transactions/two-phase commit,
I recommend taking a look at Clustered JDBC
(http://c-jdbc.objectweb.org/).  While this is not exactly the same thing,
it looks to be a pretty neat solution for a similar class of applications.
In particular, it provides redundancy, load balancing, caching, and even
database independence.

It is indeed a nice solution but it is far from ready yet.
Especially the disaster recovery mechanism and things such as adding new masters need some more work.
What I really miss is "DECLARE CURSOR". Maybe it will be in there some day :).
However, we have done some real testing with sync replication (4 x pg, 1 x oracle). It performed surprisingly well (the JDBC part, not the Oracle one ;) ).
Maybe this will be something really useful within the next few months.



Cybertec Geschwinde u Schoenig
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