On Fri, 28 Nov 2003, Darcy Buskermolen wrote:

> I've been running this code on a pair of FreeBSD (i386) boxen, for some time
> now, one of which is a 4.8-STABLE, the other is a 5.2-BETA.
> In 10 minutes of execution the 4.8 box has only shown the following:
> out of order tv_sec: 1070063393 115226, prev 1070063391 381087
> out of order tv_usec: 1070063393 115226, prev 1070063391 381087

I'm suspecting that the issue is amplified by load on the server itself

> the 5.2 box, hasn't outputed anything.  I'm goignt o run this test on
> some other boxen I have and see what/ifany results are happening.

Similar results here with a 5.2 box ...

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