Martha Stewart called it a Good Thing when Randolf Richardson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>>> The count(*) information can be revisioned too, am I wrong ? I'm able
>>> to create a trigger that store the count(*) information in a special
>>> table, why not implement the same in a way "builded in" ?
>> Then every insert or delete would have to lock that count. Nobody else
>> would be able to insert or delete any records until you either commit or
>> roll back. 
>> That would lead to much lower concurrency, much more contention for
>> locks, and tons of deadlocks.
>       What about queueing all these updates for a separate
> low-priority thread?  The thread would be the only one with access
> to update this field.

If updates are "queued," then how do you get to use them if the
"update thread" isn't running because it's not high enough in

I am not being facetious.

The one way that is expected to be successful would be to have a
trigger that, upon seeing an insert of 5 rows to table "ABC", puts,
into table "count_detail", something like:

  insert into count_detail (table, value) values ('ABC', 5);

You then replace
  select count(*) from abc;

  select sum(value) from count_detail where table = 'ABC';

The "low priority" thread would be a process that does something akin
to vacuuming, where it would replace the contents of the table every
so often...

 for curr_table in (select table from count_detail) do
   new_total = select sum(value) from count_detail 
                  where table = curr_table;
   delete from count_detail where table = curr_table;
   insert into count_detail (table, value) values (curr_table,

The point of this being to try to keep the number of rows to 1 per

Note that this gets _real_ expensive for tables that see lots of
single row inserts and deletes.  There isn't a cheaper way that will
actually account for the true numbers of records that have been

For a small table, it will be cheaper to walk through and calculate
count(*) directly from the tuples themselves.

The situation where it may be worthwhile to do this is a table which
is rather large (thus count(*) is expensive) where there is some
special reason to truly care how many rows there are in the table.
For _most_ tables, it seems unlikely that this will be true.  For
_most_ tables, it is absolutely not worth the cost of tracking the
(format nil "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" "cbbrowne" "")
Predestination was doomed from the start. 

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
      joining column's datatypes do not match

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