On Tue, 2003-12-09 at 20:19, Jan Wieck wrote:
> Christopher Kings-Lynne wrote:
> >> I couldn't agree more. Look at this very instance. He now found the 
> >> right reindex command and the corrupted file is gone. We don't have the 
> >> slightest clue what happened to that file. Was it truncated? Did some 
> >> other process scribble around in the shared memory? How do you tell now?
> > 
> > The end user just could not care less.  They want their machine running 
> > again as soon as is humanly possible without going through a back and 
> > forth process of subscribing to some lists they don't care about, etc.
> I know, that's (unfortunately) true. Although it's not very farsighted 
> because better bug reports usually lead to better software in the next 
> release.

HINT::  You might be able to solve this problem by running the REINDEX
command. Of course if you do that you'll destroy all evidence of what
caused the problem, possibly forcing this problem on other users in the
future because you were unwilling to help us to improve the software.
But we understand, it's not like we wrote an entire database system for
you... oh wait we did.


Robert Treat
Build A Brighter Lamp :: Linux Apache {middleware} PostgreSQL

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