On Fri, Dec 26, 2003 at 11:49:20AM -0600, David Fetter wrote:

> > The latter is harder to answer than the former. For the former, I
> > propose a macro in psql, "\qf" (query function). Obviously, the name
> > implies a broader scope than simply querying the datatypes
> > permissable.

> * Part of \df (for functions)

This is my initial feeling. It really is "just another \df". However,
I don't see a good way to merge the functionality of the new function
and the old function, as the parameter for df is the function name, not
its arguments.

> * Part of \dT (describing data types)

This, too would work, but again, I have a hard time figuring out where
to put the arguments.

> * A new \ command

The problem with this is that few people are going to notice it immediately
whereas I would contend that many people already know aobut \df and \dT.
The goal here is to get people to use the tools they have. If they're not
already seeking out tools, it doesn't help to add new ones.

> Duplication--especially for help systems--is not a bad thing, as long
> as it's only duplication of access and not of code bases.

Duplication of help systems that are never going to be used is a waste of
everyone's time.


Alex J. Avriette, Unix Systems Gladiator
"Shut down some of the bullshit the government is spending money on and use it
to buy all the Microsoft stock. If we did that, we could ... just bronze Gates, 
turn him into a statue, and stick him in front of the Commerce Department." - Scott 

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