Thanks. I searched for it and I found something. It tells me to use the perl module. But Tom Lane mentions using the execute command see(
Since I have no interest in picking up yet another language, I tried this:
   qry := ''select * from ''|| trim(realname) ||'' where ''|| trim(searchfield) ||'' like ''''%''|| trim(searchvalue) ||''%'''''';
   arrayval := string_to_array(coltoparammatch(3, talias, insertparams, insertdelimiter), '','');   
   for objectdefinition in execute qry loop
    for i in array_lower(arrayval, 1)..array_upper(arrayval, 1) loop
      qry := ''select into aliasvalue objectdefinition.''|| arrayval[i];
      execute qry;
      RAISE NOTICE ''field = %'', aliasvalue;
    end loop; 
   end loop;
I tried to execute a dynamic sql string using the dynamic record column name but I getting this error: ERROR:  syntax error at or near "into" at character 8. Does the execute statement not allow the into keyword into or am I not quoting right?

Christopher Kings-Lynne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Was wondering if there was anything akin to an evaluate statement in
> Postgresql for dynamic strings?

By dint of tricky programming you can a function that can generate and
execute arbitrary strings. I believe there's even an example of this in
the docs.


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