Jon Jensen wrote:

On Tue, 6 Jan 2004, Andrew Dunstan wrote:

Also, I would like to see some kind of session identifier that is more
unique than pid, which wraps around. Ideally we could have 10{pid},
then then the pid wraps around, 20{pid), or something like that.

This requires some thought. ISTM it wouldn't buy you much unless you made it persistent across server restarts, and possibly not even then.

And on OpenBSD (though no other platforms that I know of) the PID is a random number, so there is no "wrapping" to begin with.

OK, so a sessionid based on prefix+pid won't work portably. If we *really* want to do it, a cluster-wide sequence generator would probably be the way to go, but I suspect that with the ability to log session termination explicitly (which I have already provided) much of the supposed extra utility would disappear anyway.



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