
I'm not sure if this is the correct place to make a feature request. If not hopefully I can be kindly pointed in that direction.

I have several project that use MySQL and I would like to port them to PostgreSQL unfortunately they use a naming convention which uses upper case and lower case letters
SELECT AccountID FROM Account

I am aware that if you enclose those table and column names with " then postgresql will take the case into consideration. Only problem is most people who have current MySQL project have not written their statements with " (MySQL parser uses no quotes of the ` back tick) and it would take considerable man power to convert each SQL statement.

Perhaps a feature, which is not set by default so it doesn't break current functionality, can be set so that when creating the database you can set a flag that will let postgresql know to parse column and table names that don't have double quotes and still keep the case information.

I'm sure this will help spure more adoption of Postgresql, because people with serious databases concerns can't use MySQL and for real production and large scale projects I've purchased commercial databases because the migration from MySQL to them was easier because of the different approach to parsing.

Thanks for your time,

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