Hey Teodor,

How's this going?

I think you were looking at the same paper I was reading about GiST indexes. I found the GiST source code somewhat over my head, however.

I hope you'll still working on it and haven't given up!


Teodor Sigaev wrote:


I'll have time and wish to work on concurrence GiST during january.
Now I am reading some paper about this and looking into code of postgres for lock management. As I see, postgres doesn't support intentional lock. Is it right? or I missed something...

I can use NSN (node sequence number) and I find recommendation to use LSN (WAL log sequence number) as NSN. NSN must be stored in page and I found that page (PageHeaderData struct) already has XLogRecPtr for storing LSN. My question is: who is manage this field? Is it filled automatically or I should write code to manage it?

---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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