Bruce Momjian wrote:

>Greg Stark wrote:
>>Bruce Momjian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>>Greg Stark wrote:
>>>>>>I am expecting to hear some bleating about this from people whose
>>>>>>preferred platforms don't support symlinks ;-).  However, if we don't
>>>>Well, one option would be to have the low level filesystem storage (md.c?)
>>>>routines implement a kind of symlink themselves. Just a file with a special
>>>>magic number followed by a path.
>>On further contemplation it doesn't seem like using symlinks really ought to
>>be necessary. It should be possible to drive everything off the catalog tables
>>while avoidin having the low level filesystem code know anything about them.
>>Instead of having the low level code fetch the pg_* records themselves, some
>>piece of higher level code would do the query and call down to storage layer
>>to inform it of the locations for everything. It would have to do this on
>>database initialization and on any subsequent object creation.
>>Basically maintain an in-memory hash table of oid -> path, and call down to
>>the low level code whenever that hash changes. (Or more likely oid->ts_id and
>>a separate list of ts_id -> path.)
>The advantage of symlinks is that an administrator could see how things
>are laid out from the command line.
That's a poor reason to require symlinks.  The administrator can just as
easily open up psql and query pg_tablespace to see that same
information.  Besides, the postgres doesn't know where to look on the
filesystem for the /path/to/oid without a system catalog lookup.  There
doesn't seem to be any sensible reason to force a filesystem requirement
when the core operations are diffferent to begin with. 

If a more global view of all databases is necessary, perhaps there ought
to be a system wide view which could display all of that information at
once: dbname, relation name, and physical location.

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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