Tom Lane wrote:
I think also that Simon completely misunderstood my intent in saying
that this could be "user-scriptable policy".  By that I meant that the
*user* could write the code to behave whichever way he liked.  Not that
we were going to go into a mad rush of feature invention and try to
support every combination we could think of.  I repeat: code that pushes
logs into a secondary area is not ours to write.  We should concentrate
on providing an API that lets users write it.  We have only limited
manpower for this project and we need to spend it on getting the core
functionality done right, not on inventing frammishes.

Hmm... I totally agree. I think the backend could just offer a shared memory segment and a marker message to another process to allow copy from it. then it is the applications business to do the things.

Of course there has to be a two way agreement about it but an API is a real nice thing rather than an application.


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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