Very Cool!  Can we add this to the list of supported platforms?  Also
what do folks think of submitting this as a news blurb to slashdot? 
This seems like some "good feelings" type news that is right up thier

Robert Treat

On Thu, 2004-03-04 at 02:46, Hans-Jürgen Schönig wrote:
> Folks,
> Today Michael Steil and I have tested PostgreSQL 7.4.1 on Nintendo Game 
> Cubes.
> All regression test (but stats - stats collector was off instead of on) 
> have passed successfully.
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# uname -a
> Linux 2.6.3 #20 Wed Mar 3 12:22:07 CET 2004 ppc unknown 
> unknown GNU/Linux
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# cat /proc/cpuinfo
> processor       : 0
> cpu             : 745/755
> revision        : 50.20 (pvr 0008 3214)
> bogomips        : 968.70
> vendor          : IBM
> machine         : Nintendo GameCube
> It is damn hard to compile PostgreSQL on 24 mb ram + 16 mb swap (stolen 
> from my sound buffer provided by Nintendo). gram.c and preproc.c have 
> been compiled on an imac maschine - the rest has been compiled on 
> Michael's Game Cube.
> Compiling and regression testing takes around 3000000000 years (wow, 
> this kind of stuff is damn slow - it is not a good database server *g*).
> Game Cubes are now fully supported by us ;).
>       Cheers,
>               Michael and Hans
> ============= starting postmaster                    ==============
> running on port 65432 with pid 24018
> ============== creating database "regression"         ==============
> ============== dropping regression test user accounts ==============
> ============== installing PL/pgSQL                    ==============
> ============== running regression test queries        ==============
> parallel group (13 tests):  char  int2 name boolean varchar text int8 
> oid int4 float4 float8 bit numeric
>       boolean              ... ok
>       char                 ... ok
>       name                 ... ok
>       varchar              ... ok
>       text                 ... ok
>       int2                 ... ok
>       int4                 ... ok
>       int8                 ... ok
>       oid                  ... ok
>       float4               ... ok
>       float8               ... ok
>       bit                  ... ok
>       numeric              ... ok
> test strings              ... ok
> test numerology           ... ok
> parallel group (20 tests):  point lseg box date circle time path reltime 
> abstime type_sanity timestamptz interval tinterval timestamp timetz 
> comments polygon inet opr_sanity oidjoins
>       point                ... ok
>       lseg                 ... ok
>       box                  ... ok
>       path                 ... ok
>       polygon              ... ok
>       circle               ... ok
>       date                 ... ok
>       time                 ... ok
>       timetz               ... ok
>       timestamp            ... ok
>       timestamptz          ... ok
>       interval             ... ok
>       abstime              ... ok
>       reltime              ... ok
>       tinterval            ... ok
>       inet                 ... ok
>       comments             ... ok
>       oidjoins             ... ok
>       type_sanity          ... ok
>       opr_sanity           ... ok
> test geometry             ... ok
> test horology             ... ok
> test insert               ... ok
> test create_function_1    ... ok
> test create_type          ... ok
> test create_table         ... ok
> test create_function_2    ... ok
> test copy                 ...  ok
> parallel group (7 tests):   create_operator create_aggregate  vacuum 
> inherit triggers constraints create_misc
>       constraints          ... ok
>       triggers             ... ok
>       create_misc          ... ok
>       create_aggregate     ... ok
>       create_operator      ... ok
>       inherit              ... ok
>       vacuum               ... ok
> parallel group (2 tests):   create_view create_index
>       create_index         ... ok
>       create_view          ... ok
> test sanity_check         ...  ok
> test errors               ... ok
> test select               ... ok
> parallel group (17 tests):   select_distinct select_into select_distinct_on
>   select_having case update union random aggregates transactions 
> select_implicit arrays subselect hash_index join portals btree_index
>       select_into          ... ok
>       select_distinct      ... ok
>       select_distinct_on   ... ok
>       select_implicit      ... ok
>       select_having        ... ok
>       subselect            ... ok
>       union                ... ok
>       case                 ... ok
>       join                 ... ok
>       aggregates           ... ok
>       transactions         ... ok
>       random               ... ok
>       portals              ... ok
>       arrays               ... ok
>       btree_index          ... ok
>       hash_index           ... ok
>       update               ... ok
> test privileges           ... ok
> test misc                 ... ok
> parallel group (5 tests):  portals_p2 select_views cluster rules foreign_key
>       select_views         ... ok
>       portals_p2           ... ok
>       rules                ... ok
>       foreign_key          ... ok
>       cluster              ... ok
> parallel group (14 tests):
>   sequence limit polymorphism without_oid truncate copy2 prepare temp 
> rangefuncs conversion domain stats plpgsql alter_table
>       limit                ... ok
>       plpgsql              ... ok
>       copy2                ... ok
>       temp                 ... ok
>       domain               ... ok
>       rangefuncs           ... ok
>       prepare              ... ok
>       without_oid          ... ok
>       conversion           ... ok
>       truncate             ... ok
>       alter_table          ... ok
>       sequence             ... ok
>       polymorphism         ... ok
>       stats                ... FAILED
> ============== shutting down postmaster               ==============
> =======================
>   1 of 93 tests failed.
> =======================
> The differences that caused some tests to fail can be viewed in the
> file `./regression.diffs'.  A copy of the test summary that you see
> above is saved in the file `./regression.out'.
> -- 
> Cybertec Geschwinde u Schoenig
> Schoengrabern 134, A-2020 Hollabrunn, Austria
> Tel: +43/2952/30706 or +43/664/233 90 75
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
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Build A Brighter Lamp :: Linux Apache {middleware} PostgreSQL

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