Christopher Kings-Lynne wrote:

"The \l command should only list databases that the current user is
authorized for, the \du command should only list users authorized for the
current database (and perhaps only superusers should get even that much
information), etc. Perhaps it is possible to set PG to do this, but that
should probably be the default."

This is from a PgSQL vs MySQL thread on -general ... how hard would it be
make it so that a non-superuse user can't do a \l and see everyone's
databases? Or, when doing a \d in a database you are able to connect to,
it would only show those tables that you are authorized for?

Well, you can just go SELECT * FROM pg_database; so fixing \l won't do anything.

I too would like to see more security in this respect, but it will be difficult if not impossible to implement methinks...

I just played around briefly with removing *all* public access to a couple of catalog tables - pg_class and pg_attrdef. Obviously this breaks things like \d and friends. I'm not sure how much else it might break - certainly a non-privileged user was still able to select from a table, and create and drop a table. Maybe we should look at some paranoid settings for the catalog tables as an option for "create database".

My previous answer to this question has been "use a middleware layer that exposes just the operations you want exposed". But this issue has come up a few times so maybe some more thought is needed. Of course, we are only talking about metadata here, not user table contents, but maybe some people have a justifiable need to hide even the metadata.



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