> On Fri, Apr 02, 2004 at 12:02:22PM -0500, Jim Seymour wrote:
> [...]
> > Which is all well-and-good (tho, my ignorance readily conceded, four
> > minutes seems a mite... long), *except*: If I shut-down the
> > WebObjects application which, again, never accesses the db in
> > question, much-less any of its tables, this "time-out" doesn't seem
> > to apply.  (I tried it.)
> Ok, so the WebObjects app keeps an idle open transaction?  (i.e. it
> issues a BEGIN as soon as the previous transaction is finished.) I'm not
> sure I read the code correctly --

I really couldn't say.  I don't know what the WebObjects app is
doing.  I know, or *believe* I know, it's only doing queries.  (It
may be doing temp tables internally, or some-such.)  Its interface
to pgsql is via the JDBC that comes with pgsql.  I don't know what
the Java code it generated looks like.

>                                   ISTM it would only matter when you try
> to vacuum a shared table, which this is not ...

That's what I would've thought.

Thanks for the follow-up.  I was beginning to wonder if anybody'd
noticed ;).


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