Peter Eisentraut <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Tom Lane wrote:
>> I think the printout format is fine and the silent non-removal of
>> grant options was a bad idea, particularly since it doesn't seem to
>> be saving any code (GRANT/REVOKE check ownerness anyway).  I propose
>> that we take out the special cases in merge_acl_with_grant that
>> prohibit revoking an owner's grant options, and instead adjust the
>> grant statement code to act as if those options are always present. 

> Sounds good.

If you like that, I have a further suggestion, which is to not include
the owner's grant options in the default ACL, either.  This would not
affect the behavior given the above changes; what it would do is reduce
clutter in the ACL display.  Right now, if user miriam does

create table mytable(f int);
grant select on mytable to public;
\z mytable

she'll see

 Schema |  Name   | Type  |            Access privileges
 public | mytable | table | {miriam=a*r*w*d*R*x*t*/miriam,=r/miriam}

Changing the default ACL would take this down to

 public | mytable | table | {miriam=arwdRxt/miriam,=r/miriam}

which seems usefully more readable to me.  Comments?

                        regards, tom lane

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