Christopher Kings-Lynne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> What happens with ordering of operations in the ALTER TABLE statement? 
> Like if I put an alter TYPE and a SET STORAGE in the same statement 
> (wiht commas between), in what order will things happen?

The "right thing" will happen --- in this case, the SET STORAGE will
take effect (before we actually rewrite the table, so the end result
will be exactly what you want).  Check out the multiple-pass structure
in commands/tablecmds.c.

> Is it deterministic?  Is it documented?  Are there situations where a
> crazy collection of 20 commands in a single ALTER TABLE will have
> unpredictable effects?

Yes, no (I did say we needed more docs effort), and I hope not.

> Also, should the syntax be SET TYPE, not just TYPE?

Shrug ... I dunno whether Rod had a precedent for that choice or not.

                        regards, tom lane

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TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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