> > It definitly is there fro Windows Server 2003, in the new port. But 
> > since you are talking handhelds, are you possibly referring 
> to Windows 
> > Mobile 2003? That is a whole different beast, and *not* included in 
> > the
> > win32 part (no Win CE variants are)
> Nor are they likely to be at a guess. I tried compiling libpq using
> eVC++ 4.0 with the PPC 2003 SDK the other day and got nowhere fast. 

Not having looked at the code, I think you are going to have a much
easier time looking at npgsql and the Compact Framework, if you
developer on the PPC and want just the client. I even think I saw some
messages about there being support included in npgsql already, but I'm
not sure. Even if not, it shouldn't be *all* that hard to get it running
- probably significantly easier than libpq.


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