We are seeing occasional long lockouts from out DB. When I do a 'select * from pg_locks', I find that everybody is waiting for pg_listener, and that the lock on pg_listener is currently held by a long-running ANALYZE VERBOSE.

I saw the following in the change logs (not sure if it's relevant):

        should have gotten this notify.  But to do that, we'd have to wait
        to see if he commits or not, or make UNLISTEN hold exclusive lock
        on pg_listener until commit.  Either of these answers is
        deadlock-prone, not to mention horrible for interactive
        performance.  Do it this way for now.  (What happened to that
        project to do LISTEN/NOTIFY in memory with no table, anyway?)

Does this mean that ANALYZE will take an exclusive lock on pg_listener until the ANALYZE finishes? Or is there some other cause?

Any help or suggestions would be appreciated...

Philip Warner | __---_____
Albatross Consulting Pty. Ltd. |----/ - \
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