On Mon, 26 Apr 2004, Josh Berkus wrote:

> > I think that a talented manager could make the case for certain features.
> So?   So could any community member with a good grasp of database engineering 
> and an ability to write persuasive e-mails.

I'd like to inject here that I was the one who started the whole argument 
over date style enforcement about a year ago.  It was a bit of a slog at 
first, but I felt my input was good, and the cause was just :-).

Because of that discussion, PostgreSQL accpeting dates like

2004-31-03 and turning them into 2004-03-31 on the fly stopped.  as did 
postgresql accepting a date like 03/31/2004 and turning it into 31/03/2004 
when it was set to accept Euro style dates.

I am not a PostgreSQL hacker, just a user.  My input made the difference.  
No title needed.  What PostgreSQL needs more of is caring users who can 
spot bugs / misbehaviours, make a decent argument about it, and maybe even 
a patch or two.  We're way more short on indians than chiefs in my 

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