This sounds very much like a memory problem. I would replace all of the memory with another set of (preferably known good) memory and see if the problems persist. Also look for other cores that may be dropped. If there are several, memory is the likely cause. Be aware that it will likely be active, large memory applications (of which PostgreSQL may be the only one on the server) that will materialize the issues.

Memory testing application may also show the problem, however, they do not test like production use. I have had test apps run for weeks where production use can cause failures in mere minutes. Also, note that I have seen issues with bad CPU's (bad cache?) that have caused similar problems.

On 30 Apr 2004, at 15:24, Prem Gopalan wrote:

We run a multithreaded application that uses postgres 7.4 on Linux
2.4.18, dual cpu Xeon processor machine. We have occassional weird
crashes and have tried a lot of things to reproduce them in house, but
in vain. We do have coredumps and I have listed the backtraces and
their common characteristics here.


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