Mario Weilguni wrote:

Interesting. We have made COMPLETELY different experiences.

There is one question people ask me daily: "When can we have sychronous replication and PITR?".
Performance is not a problem here. People are more interested in stability and "enterprise" features such as those I have mentioned above.

I doubt that. Having deployed several 7.4 databases, the first customers ask (of course not in technical speech, but in the meaning) when the problem with checkpoint hogging system down is solved. This is a really serious issue, especially when using drbd + ext3. The system will become really unresponsive when checkpoint is running.

I heavily await 7.5 because of the background writer.

Have you done some more extensive tests with 7.5 already and if so, what are your experiences with it so far?


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# Let's break this rule - forgive me.                                  #
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