When grilled further on (29 Feb 2004 08:46:36 -0800),
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Hammer) confessed:

> Quick one:
> Anyone know how to use Putty to open a connection up under SSH which
> will allow pgAdmin III to connect to a postgresql database ie. Only
> access to server postgresql is on is via ssh.

Trivial.  In the connection configuration within PuTTY, Connection/SSH/Tunnels,
fill in source port (5555 for instance), destination (machine:5432), select
'Local' radio and click Add.  Save the connection, then open it.  In this
instance, from pgAdmin (I'm using pgAdmin II V1.6), host is 'localhost', port


 17:03:13 up 15 days, 42 min,  4 users,  load average: 2.08, 2.19, 2.27
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