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Bruce Momjian wrote:

| Gaetano Mendola wrote:
|>Bruce Momjian wrote:
|> > I understand your points below.  However, the group has weighed in the
|> > direction of clearly showing non-default values and not duplicating
|> > documentation.  We can change that, but you will need more folks
|> > agreeing with your direction.
|>I don't remember the behaviour but tell me what happen if
|>I comment out a value changing the value. Kill UP the postmater.
|>Recommenting that value and now re killing the postmaster.
|>I believe that postmaster will not run with the default value.
|>Who will look the configuration file will not understand the right
| If you comment a variable in postgresql.conf, it will use the
| default value.

That's not true at least with the version 7.4.2.

Try yourself, I did the experiment changing the cpu_tuple_cost and
commenting out the cpu_tuple_cost, after sending the SIGHUP to
postmaster the value remain: 0.005 that is not the default value at

Gaetano Mendola

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---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

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