> Thomas Hallgren wrote:
>> "Carl E. McMillin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>>My name is Carl E. McMillin and I'm still establishing my balance in
>>> this
>>>particular knowledge domain with its nomenclature and entities.
>> Ok, I was thinking more the name behind [EMAIL PROTECTED] ;-)
> Exactly. I think it's Bill Gates leading a secret life...

Now that's just plain nasty.

I don't intentially obscure my identification, I just have so much email,
The last then I want tot do is have my nane skimmed by an outlook email
virus and blasted everywhere. I also have five enail addresses, person,
business, casual, and two open source project emails, on of which is

Hi, my name is Mark, and I am sick of SPAM.

> Mike Mascari

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TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

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