On Thu, Jul 01, 2004 at 09:07:11AM -0400, Alvaro Herrera wrote:

> > Were your numbers also taken with --enable-cassert?  It might be
> > instructive to compare numbers taken without.
> Ah, yes, it was with asserts enabled.  I'll try again.

With asserts disabled the situations seems reverted:

    Yesterday   Today
    325.76      277.92
    304.12      272.92
    264.32      463.23
    282.75      252.96
    284.92      268.38
    327.97      244.47
    364.94      243.23
Min 264.32      243.23
Max 364.94      463.23
Avg 307.82      289.02

There's a lot more variance though, which I can easily attribute to the
server being more loaded (this is a Uni server; last night there was
nobody connected and today there's quite a few people, though the
majority is just using tin, pine or elm).

(These numbers are not comparable to what I posted yesterday because I
changed the checkpoint_segments parameter in between.)

Alvaro Herrera (<alvherre[a]dcc.uchile.cl>)
"Escucha y olvidarás; ve y recordarás; haz y entenderás" (Confucio)

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