Dennis Bjorklund wrote:
On Wed, 7 Jul 2004, Oliver Jowett wrote:

So how do you propose supporting simple rollback of a subtransaction? It seems like an extension regardless of how it's done.

If I understand you correctly what you want is a ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT
foo; followed by a RELEASE SAVEPOINT foo;

Ugh.. nasty syntax and an extra empty transaction.

Also, how do you get an anonymous subtransaction? SAVEPOINT syntax would seem to always require a name.

One of the use cases for subtransactions was to avoid rollback of the entire transaction if there's an error in a single command -- you wrap each command in a subtransaction and roll it back if it fails. If we only have SAVEPOINT syntax this looks like:

  -- Success case
  SAVEPOINT s_12345
   INSERT INTO foo(...) VALUES (...)

  -- Error case
  SAVEPOINT s_12346
   INSERT INTO foo(...) VALUES (...)

  -- Repeat ad nauseam

This is pretty ugly. Given that the underlying mechanism is nested subtransactions, why should it be necessary to jump through those sort of hoops to gain access to them?

If you don't like adding extra commands, what about extending the standard transaction control commands ("BEGIN NESTED" etc) instead?


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
     joining column's datatypes do not match

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