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Tom Lane wrote:

| Gaetano Mendola <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
|>Tom Lane wrote:
|>| I was just looking around the net to see exactly what Oracle's PL/SQL
|>| syntax is.  It doesn't seem too unreasonable syntax-wise:
|>|   [ snip pl/sql syntax ]
|>Is this sintax SQL standard driven ?
| No, AFAIK it's just Oracle's syntax.
|>If not I'd prefere this one:
|>   [ some other syntax ]
| Can you point to any SQL standard or existing database that uses your
| suggestion?  Oracle is certainly the de facto standard in this area,
| and plpgsql in particular is an unabashed effort to follow their PL/SQL
| implementation...

I didn't know we where following the Oracle syntax indeed.

| | er ... I'm not clear why type names would have anything to do with | exceptions. What's your vision here exactly? | | regards, tom lane

Because I believe that exception handler need to have some informations
in order to handle the exception and only the exception_name is not enough,
so who generate the exception can "throw" a type that the handler can use
( I have in mind the C++/Java exception handler ):

CATCH INTEGER THEN ~ < Work with the integer $1 in order to manage what is going on > CATCH VARCHAR THEN ~ < Insert in the logs table the message $1 > ...

but may be I'm completely missing the target that you are going to achieve.

Gaetano Mendola

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