On Mon, 26 Jul 2004, Brian Hirt wrote:

> I'm working on a new machine, and i think it's got possible bad
> hardware, since that seems more likely than a bug in postgresql.  I'm
> wondering if someone has any idea what kind of hardware failure might
> cause this message:
> WARNING:  buffer refcount leak: [424] (freeNext=425, freePrev=423,
> rel=0/0, blockNum=4294967295, flags=0x1c, refcount=-631 30464)

The refcount number strongly suggests hardware. Since the memory is ECC
i'd say it might be CPU (cache) related. I cannot think of any tools to
help you diagnose this, but try disabling/pulling out a CPU then swap. If
all is fine, it doesn't necessarily mean its the CPU but it narrows the


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TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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