G'day folks,

Tom Lane wrote:
> Daniel Baldoni <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Forgive this if it's totally "out there" but I was wondering why
>> there's no support for triggers on a TRUNCATE operation.
> Because the entire point of TRUNCATE is not to scan the table contents.
> If you want to fire triggers, just use "DELETE FROM foo".

Personally, I've never used TRUNCATE within a production system (I can't
even recall using an unqualified DELETE).

How do you then audit a TRUNCATE performed by somebody else (who, for
"political" reasons, has superuser access)?  Such actions aren't limited to
attacks - but may simply be the result of "I thought it was a good idea at
the time".  :-(


Daniel Baldoni BAppSc, PGradDipCompSci                 |  Technical Director
require 'std/disclaimer.pl'                            |  LcdS Pty. Ltd.
-------------------------------------------------------+  856B Canning Hwy
Phone/FAX:  +61-8-9364-8171                            |  Applecross
Mobile:     041-888-9794                               |  WA 6153
URL:        http://www.lcds.com.au/                    |  Australia
"Any time there's something so ridiculous that no rational systems programmer
 would even consider trying it, they send for me."; paraphrased from "King Of
 The Murgos" by David Eddings.  (I'm not good, just crazy)

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