I am download the 7.5 devel installer version, when I try install in win2000,
I encountered a error, the below is the log:
The files belonging to this database system will be owned by user "postgres".
This user must also own the server process.
The database cluster will be initialized with locale chinese-simplified.
fixing permissions on existing directory C:/Program Files/PostgreSQL/7.5/data ... ok
creating directory C:/Program Files/PostgreSQL/7.5/data/global ... ok
creating directory C:/Program Files/PostgreSQL/7.5/data/pg_xlog ... ok
creating directory C:/Program Files/PostgreSQL/7.5/data/pg_xlog/archive_status ... ok
creating directory C:/Program Files/PostgreSQL/7.5/data/pg_clog ... ok
creating directory C:/Program Files/PostgreSQL/7.5/data/pg_subtrans ... ok
creating directory C:/Program Files/PostgreSQL/7.5/data/base ... ok
creating directory C:/Program Files/PostgreSQL/7.5/data/base/1 ... ok
creating directory C:/Program Files/PostgreSQL/7.5/data/pg_tblspc ... ok
selecting default max_connections ... 10
selecting default shared_buffers ... 50
creating configuration files ... ok
creating template1 database in C:/Program Files/PostgreSQL/7.5/data/base/1 ... FATAL:  could not select a suitable default timezone
DETAIL:  It appear s that your GMT time zone uses leap seconds. PostgreSQL does not support leap seconds.
delete file - C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\7.5\data\pg_hba.conf
delete file - C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\7.5\data\pg_ident.conf
delete file - C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\7.5\data\PG_VERSION
delete file - C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\7.5\data\postgresql.conf
child process was terminated by signal 1
initdb: failed
initdb: removing contents of data directory "C:/Program Files/PostgreSQL/7.5/data"
Note: I am use the local: chinese-simplified, and the encoding: "EUC_CN".
After this error, I try set the enviroment variable TZ=CST, and run the installer again, but the there is some exception raisen during the installation, say,
when the exception raisen, the last line of the log file is: 
selecting default max_connections ...
At the install end, the installer say
Failed to run initdb: 1!
Please see the logfile in "C:\Program files\PostgreSQL\7.5\tmp\initdb.log".

Do You Yahoo!?

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