I was sent a log file for a production system that has received several ABORT signals while under heavy load. Here's a snippet from the logs:

LOG:  recycled transaction log file "0000000A0000004B"
LOG:  recycled transaction log file "0000000A0000004D"
LOG:  recycled transaction log file "0000000A0000004E"
LOG:  recycled transaction log file "0000000A0000004F"
WARNING:  specified item offset is too large
CONTEXT:  COPY cymi_transaction_data, line 174: "3448545602 62365 39 4 0.00"
PANIC:  failed to add item to the page for "pk_transaction_data"
CONTEXT:  COPY cymi_transaction_data, line 174: "3448545602 62365 39 4 0.00"
STATEMENT:  COPY cymi_transaction_data FROM STDIN;
LOG:  server process (PID 11667) was terminated by signal 6
LOG:  terminating any other active server processe

The server information as I was given it:
Sun server V250, 1 GHz Processor, 1 GB RAM, 4 x 72GB

I'm requesting more data -- not yet clear whether I can get a core dump or even if postgres is compiled with debug symbols on that machine.

The "WARNING: specified item offset is too large" seems to happen each time there is an ABORT, leading me to think it might be bad RAM.

Any thoughts or specific data requests? I can send the full log off-list if needed.



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