Eric Kerin wrote:

On Sun, 2004-08-15 at 16:22, Gaetano Mendola wrote:

Eric Kerin wrote:

On Sat, 2004-08-14 at 01:11, Tom Lane wrote:

Eric Kerin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

The issues I've seen are:
1. Knowing when the master has finished the file transfer transfer to
the backup.

The "standard" solution to this is you write to a temporary file name
(generated off your process PID, or some other convenient reasonably-
unique random name) and rename() into place only after you've finished
the transfer.

Yup, much easier this way. Done.

2. Handling the meta-files, (.history, .backup) (eg: not sleeping if
they don't exist)

Yeah, this is an area that needs more thought. At the moment I believe both of these will only be asked for during the initial microseconds of slave-postmaster start. If they are not there I don't think you need to wait for them. It's only plain ol' WAL segments that you want to wait for. (Anyone see a hole in that analysis?)

Seems to be working fine this way, I'm now just returning ENOENT if they
don't exist.

3. Keeping the backup from coming online before the replay has fully
finished in the event of a failure to copy a file, or other strange
errors (out of memory, etc).

Right, also an area that needs thought. Some other people opined that they want the switchover to occur only on manual command. I'd go with that too if you have anything close to 24x7 availability of admins. If you *must* have automatic switchover, what's the safest criterion? Dunno, but let's think ...

I'm not even really talking about automatic startup on fail over.  Right
now, if the recovery_command returns anything but 0, the database will
finish recovery, and come online.  This would cause you to have to
re-build your backup system from a copy of master unnecessarily.  Sounds
kinda messy to me, especially if it's a false trigger (temporary io
error, out of memory)

Well, this is the way most of HA cluster solution are working, in my experience the RH cluster solution rely on a common partition between the two nodes and on a serial connection between them. For sure for a 24x7 service is a compulsory requirement have an automatic procedure that handle the failures without uman intervention.

Regards Gaetano Mendola

Already sent this to Gaetano, didn't realize the mail was on list too:

Redhat's HA stuff is a fail over cluster, not a log shipping cluster.
Once the Backup detects a failure of the master, it powers the master off,
> and takes over all devices, and network names/IP addresses.

We are using RH HA stuff since long time and is not necessary have the master
powered off ( our setup don't ).

In log shipping, you can't even be sure that both nodes will be close
enough together to have multiple communication methods.  At work, we
have an Oracle log shipping setup where the backup cluster is a
thousand or so miles away from the master cluster, separated by a T3

For a 24x7 zero-downtime type of system, you would have 2 Fail over
clusters, separated by a few miles(or a few thousand). Then setup log
shipping from the master to the backup.  That keeps the system online
incase of a single node hardware failure, without having to transfer to
the backup log shipping system.  The backup is there incase the master
is completely destroyed (by fire, hardware corruption, etc) Hence the
reason for the remote location.

I totally agree with you but not all people can set up a RH HA cluster or equivalent solutions ( is needed very expensive SAN with double port ) and this software version could help in a low cost setup. The scripts that I posted do the failover between master and slave in automatic way delivering also the partial WAL ( I could increase the robusteness checking also a serial connection ) without need expensive HW.

For sure this way to proceed ( the log shipping activity ) will increase
the availability in case of total disaster ( actualy I transfer to another
location a plain dump each 3 hours :-( ).

Regards Gaetano Mendola

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