>>>Tom Lane said:
 > Daniel Kalchev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
 > > (found out 7.2.3 does not have pg_database)
 > You think not?

Not as a file similar to pg_control. pg_database is indeed table in the system 

 > > By the way, I had to copy over the 'new' files from pg_clog and pg_xlog (t
 > > is the second possible error) to get the postmaster running.
 > That was *not* part of the recipe, and is guaranteed *not* to work.

I know that, but wondered if it would help in any way.. By the way, what would 
be the solution to sync WAL with the pg_control contents?

 > It seems likely though that you are wasting your time --- the index
 > failure suggests strongly that you have more corruption than just the
 > loss of the /global subdirectory :-(

After spending some time to find possible ways to adjust pointers (could 
eventually save part of the data), I decided to move to plan B, which is to 
have few people manually re-enter the data - would have been more effective to 
waste my time anyway - but not if it will take days and the result be not 
guaranteed to be consistent.

Does such toll exist, that could dump data (records?) from the heap files 
given the table structure?


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