
Just poking around to see if anyone is working on resurrecting the concept
of pg_upgrade after all these years? If not, I think I have nearly ready a
high-level design of how the whole upgrade procedure will work, but I just
need to clear out some ideas and put them together in a more-or-less
coherent way. If nobody's working on the feature, I'd like to tackle it
for 8.1/8.2 after having the design approved by the community.

To clarify some of these, I would like to identify the codepaths, more
generally -- directories with the code that, if changed, forces initdb.
I'd assume these would fall into this category:


If you have time, please make the list above more complete or remove
extraneous items.

Please Cc to me as I am on the digest on most pg lists.

Thank you,

Serguei A. Mokhov            |  /~\    The ASCII
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Concordia University         |   X    Against HTML
Montreal, Quebec, Canada     |  / \      Email!

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