Any chance of having query parallelization added to TODO? I'm guessing
it will be a huge job, but it's also one of the places where the 'big 3'
have a huge advantage in scalability.

On Mon, Sep 13, 2004 at 10:24:05AM -0700, Sailesh Krishnamurthy wrote:
> >>>>> "CB" == Christopher Browne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>     CB> futile discussions ask for it.  Notably, on an SMP system, it
>     CB> would be a neat idea for complex queries involving joins to
>     CB> split themselves so that different parts run in separate
>     CB> threads.
> You don't really need threads for this. All you need is to have
> multiple backends and use queues to exchange tuples at specific
> points. This is much like the Exchange operator in Volcano. 
>     CB> The other Way, Way Cool part would be for queries that are
>     CB> scanning big tables to split the scans into unions of partial
>     CB> scans, so that on an 8 CPU box you'd take the "Big 4GB Table"
>     CB> and have 8 threads simultaneously scanning different parts of
>     CB> it.  (And making ARC all the more important :-).)
> Again this can be done without threads .. you just need inter-process
> communication. 
> (BTW, there is at least one commercial system that follows exactly
> this model).
> -- 
> Pip-pip
> Sailesh
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
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Jim C. Nasby, Database Consultant               [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
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