On Thu, 16 Sep 2004, Tom Lane wrote:

> Gavin Sherry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Interestingly, I *cannot* recreate on the single CPU system and I cannot
> > get abort() to generate a core.
> By that do you mean that you don't see any corefile in the DB directory
> when you look after the dust settles?

Right. I was actually just doing a find . -name core and came up with no

> I ran into the same problem yesterday in another connection, and
> eventually realized that the corefile is getting removed because of the
> logic I added recently to do WAL replay of CREATE/DROP DATABASE.  The
> regression test sequence is short enough (on modern machines) that there
> may not be any checkpoint between its start and the point where you have
> a crash, so that the initial "CREATE DATABASE regression" operation is
> still in the range of WAL entries to be replayed.  In dbcommands.c
> it sez:
>         /*
>          * Our theory for replaying a CREATE is to forcibly drop the
>          * target subdirectory if present, then re-copy the source data.
>          * This may be more work than needed, but it is simple to
>          * implement.
>          */
> So what's happening is that WAL replay is wiping the database directory
> (including the core file).
> I don't really want to change the CREATE DATABASE replay logic, so I was
> thinking of suggesting that we hack around this by modifying pg_regress
> to force a checkpoint right after its CREATE DATABASE.  Then any crashes
> during the regression tests wouldn't cause a replay of the CREATE.  This
> is mighty ugly though :-(

Yes, a bit ugly. Not as ugly as my putting a for(;;) in
SubTransGetTopmostTransaction() when the Assert condition would fail so
that I could get a useful backtrace.


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