On Tue, Oct 12, 2004 at 01:37:48AM +0200, Reini Urban wrote:Bruce Momjian schrieb:
I am curious why Cygwin needs DLLINIT in Makefile.shlib, and Win32 doesn't:
The only difference I see is that Cygwin uses $(DLLINIT) while Win32 does not. Is that correct? Why?
Both set DLLINIT in their makefiles:
DLLINIT = $(top_builddir)/src/utils/dllinit.o
Could they be merged into a single snipped of code?
Good point! Out of my head: I don't think that we (cygwin) don't need that anymore. With newer binutils it should get autogenerated. But I'll have to test before you can remove that dir.
I concur with Reini. The DLLINIT stuff is a vestige from b20.1. FWIW, I attempted to remove it 3 - 4 years ago, but was unsuccessful...
I build successfully without this DLLINIT yestreday, and ran then into the one remaining regression error, which I reported before (during inserting some polygons in the parallel suite).
But this is for sure not related, so you can safely clean that mess up, (remove that dir) and merge the win32 and cygwin makefile recipe.
Reini Urban
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