>> Cygwin can do symlinks for directories via the magic .lnk file.
>> But Cygwin can also do junctions via hardlinks in ln.exe.
>> I thought link() calls the junction code.
>> I'll investigate why the libc link() failed, and if ln.exe does some 
>> sifferent magic, similar to pgsymlink.
>I thought a little bit over this.
>hardlinks and junctions don't work across physical disks, only 

Pardon me for saying "Huh"? Junctions work just fine across disks. I
just created a tablespace here, and got the following from the
sysinternals too:
D:\pgdata\pg_tblspc>junction 164705

Junction v1.03 - Win2K junction creator and reparse point viewer
Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Mark Russinovich
Systems Internals - http://www.sysinternals.com

D:\pgdata\pg_tblspc\164705: JUNCTION
   Substitute Name: c:\temp\pgtest

And yes, tables created there go on C:. Tables in the default tablespace
go on D:.

(IIRC, junctions are even used for the Remote Storage facility, so the
disk theoreticallky doesn't even have to be in your machine at the time)

I don't think hardlinks work across disks, though, but I don't think we
use them.


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