I have some problems when adjusting PL/Java to use PGXS in its makefiles. Aside from the Win32 problem I asked about earlier, I also have problems using the MODULE_big. When used, it brings in the Makefile.shlib and attempts to use the target all-lib. That target is defined as:

    all-lib: all-static-lib all-shared-lib

    all-static-lib: $(PTHREAD_H_WIN32)
        $(top_builddir)/src/port/pg_config_paths.h lib$(NAME).a

    all-shared-lib: $(PTHREAD_H_WIN32)
        $(top_builddir)/src/port/pg_config_paths.h $(shlib)

but the $(top_builddir)/src/port directory is non existant in PostgreSQL installation.

I'm not sure if I use pgxs in a completely wrong way or if pgxs needs some more work before I can rely on it. Are there any other projects out there that have their source completely separate from the PostgreSQL source that uses PGXS succesfully? If so, your input on this subject is greatly appreciated.

Kind regards,
Thomas Hallgren

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